On i’ 7th Augist 1937, i’ ‘John and Charles Kennedy’ wis launched at i’ Broch herber. I’ boat wis biggit wi sillar o 5000 powins bequeathed tae i’ RNLI fae a Mrs Kennedy o Sussex on her death in 1929, fa asket fur a foremaist class o lifeboat tae be biggit an named John and Charles Kennedy aifter members o her faimily.
I’ namin ceremony wis teen on fillum bi’ JB McDonald an shows guests an local dignitaries attendin i’ event. A michty crowd o fowk teen en i’ ceremony an i’ day wis markit wi a performance fae i’ Inverallochy Pipe Band. A flag day collection wis arranged bi’ i’ Weemins Lifeboat Guild an raised i’ respectable sum o 77 powins.
Lady Saltoun spiks wi Lord Caithness
Coxswain James S. Sim (Jimmy Da) fa received a service certificate on i’ day
The Hon. W.S Leveson-Gower, Vice Chairman o RNLI (left) an Provost Walker o i’ Broch.