Aboot i’ project.
I’ Broch on fillum gies abody a chunce tae hae a sicht intil i’ past bi’ ingaitherin a puckle fillums teen bi’ folk fae i’ Broch an places roon aboot. I’ project gies a hame fur folk tae learn, reminisce an think aboot i’ past throw i’ fillums, picters an ither soon based gear. I’ vices an picters ingaithered here aboot tell i’ stories fae i’ Nor East in i’ verra wirds spoken an picters pit igither bi’ i’ folk fa lived an workit in iss airt ower i’ years.
Ye’re invitid tae hae a look aroon an aiblins tae help oot tae big i’ site. Yer wirds an memories are welcomed an ye’re encouraged tae gie us ony mair information tae add yer ain pairt tae i’ stories ingaithered here.
We tak gifts o fillums showin i’ Broch an a i’ airts roon aboot tae help big i’ archive, aa formats bein teen. Fillums will be digitised fur naethin an gien back tae i’ donor. Dinna fash yersel aboot sillar fur neen is nott. Aince ye agree wi us tae i’ use o yer work they will be added tae i’ archive tae grow i’ story o i’ Broch an tae gie a heist up tae history an i’ wey wi spik en i’ Nor East neuk.
Mair information aboot gien gifts tae i’ project an takin pairt can be fun here.
Tae keep up tae date wi i’ project an so ye can get tae ken fan new fillums and content are added, follow Fraserburgh on Film on Facebook an Instagram.