I’ Broch on fillum is a place tae ingaither fillums an memories o fowk fae i’ nor east airt. It his been made possible bi’ i’ generous help o mony folk fa hiv shared their time an knowledge tae mak i’ project come igither.
I’ overall aim o iss project is tae play a pairt in keeping siccar i’ rich cultural history o the airt an tae mak a place for fowk tae come igither tae share, learn an think aboot i’ past. It is hoped at contributions fae i’ local community will gang on tae mak i’ website grouw as new materials are fun.
The website wis biggit bi’ Andrew Davidson as a research project daen as pairt o an MSc in Information and Library Studies at Robert Gordon University .
“Bein born an brocht up in i’ Broch, I hiv aye hid an appreciation o i’ rech heritage an history o i’ Nor East neuk. Iss is sometimes ower lookit an I hope that in makin iss website I can gie back some wey o keepin i’ past tae i’ forefront an gien a heist up tae i’ unique culture o iss airt.
I unnerstan that I hiv only scratched i’ surface o i’ details ahin i’ stories seen here an wid really be affa gratefu fur help fae i’ community tae big i’ website. I’ idea ahin i’ project wis tae mak a space fur i’ community tae be pairt o i’ story so ony contributions ye mak will be greatly appreciated.
I hope you hiv enjoyed usin i’ website jist as muckle as I hiv enjoyed biggin it an lookin in tae these great stories fae i’ Broch an a i’ airts roon aboot.”