Funeral for the six crewmen o i’ John and Charles Kennedy fas lives wir tragically lost in i’ lifeboat disaster o 1953
I’ namin o i’ John and Charles Kennedy, 7th of August 1937 (clip)
I’ Broch Lifeboat Fillums
J B McDonald in his fillums teen o baith times o celebration an o mournin as pairt o i’ on gan history o i’ Broch Lifeboat service. He teen fittage o i’ namin ceremonies in 1937 an 1954 as weel as i’ funeral for i’ servicemen followin i’ tragic disaster o 1953. I’ fillums stan as a reminder o i’ bravery o i’ men fa serve in ilka lifeboat crew.
Mair information aboot i’ events in i’ fillums can be fun here.
Naming ceeremony for i’ Duchess of Kent, 7th July 1954 (clip)