Likewise wi ither pairts o i’ country fan i’ waar wis endit, i’ fowk in i’ Broch mined on those fa had gien their lives bi’ taakin pairt in Armistice Day parades. George Rattray teen ane of these parades in i’ late 1950’s wi his 8mm fillum camra. I’ fowk seen in i’ fillum were maist likely directly involved in i’ waar effort, wi some bein in active combat, an they hid aa kent i’ sair hairt o i’ loss o fowk close tae them durin these affa years. Durin i’ service mentioned in i’ airticle doon ablow, Rev J H F Wilson gave a movin address aboot i’ burthen o waar.
Fraserburgh and Northern Counties Advertiser Nov 12 1957 © Johnston Press