Her foremaist collection o poems “Come Away with Me” wis published in 1952 an caused great delight tae Airchie McTaggart, fa wis also kent as ‘The Ferret’, fae i’ Broch Herald “Around the Town” column.

Fraserburgh Herald and Northern Counties Advertiser 22 July 1952 © Johnston Press Plc


I’ buik wis weel received in i’ area an Mrs Minty screived in i’ paper tae express her thunks tae i’ community.

Fraserburgh and Northern Counties Advertiser 9 June 1953 © Johnston Press Plc

Throughoot i’ 1950’s Mrs Minty wid screive a number o poems an dedications fit cam oot en i’ local paper, includin ‘Elizabeth - Our Queen’, fur i’ Coronation o 1953, as weel as poems ilka Christmas.

Fraserburgh Herald and Northern Counties Advertiser 20 December 1955 © Johnston Press Ltd.

Fraserburgh and Northern Counties Advertiser 2 June 1953 © Johnston Press Ltd.

In i’ review o i’ buik  seen here, it is mentioned at Maggie Jane Minty hid broadcast on i’ BBC Children’s Hour wireless programme, furst fae i’ studio in 17 Belmont Street Aiberdeen afore movin tae Beechgrove. We wirnae able to fin ony ither mention o iss so maybe ye ken mare an could help us oot.

Fraserburgh Herald and Northern Counties Advertiser 20 Dec 1953 © Johnston Press Ltd.