I’ fillums seen here were teen bi’, an hae in them, folk fae i’Benzie faimilie fa were weel kent in I’ Broch as the folk fa co-ained i’ shoppie, Benzie & Miller. I’ shoppie furst opened its doors in 1920 an i’ Mid Street location soon wis ain o’ i’ maist weel kent businesses in i’ Nor East o’ Scotland. I’ mannies fa started i’ shoppie, William Benzie an James Miller, died in 1931 and 1934 resepectively, fit led tae their loons, Alexander Benzie an John B. Miller, taakin ower i’ roles in i’ business aince deen by’ their faithers.
Alexander Benzie an his faimilie are seen in aa iss incredible fillums that gie a little lookie at I’ Broch as it wis in i’ 1930s. I’ fillums an picters were gaen tae the project bi’ i’ grandson o’ Alexander Benzie, Gavin Holman, fa his pit igither sae muckle information aboot his faimilie, their business an i’ aboot it wey they were sae weel kent in I’ Broch.
“Sadly these films only came to light after the death of my grandparents (Alexander and Gertrude Benzie) and, having viewed them once on an old film projector, they were again consigned to the attic. Some years later I unearthed them and had them converted to DVD, to share with our family members. As my mother and uncle were small children at the time of the films, they could not help much with any details of times/people/places in particular. However, I hope that people find them of interest.”