How to contribute.


We welcome contributions from anyone who has any information about the materials contained within the site. Maybe you have some more details about an event, have memories or photographs you would like to share or would like to get in touch about making a contribution.

By clicking the button below, which can also be found throughout the site, you can get in touch and someone from the project will get back to you. We really do appreciate any help offered and feel it’s important that you are involved in the process of bringing the unique history of the North East corner alive.

We are also continuously on the outlook for films about the area to be included in the archive. If you have, or might know of someone who has, films in any format we would love to hear from you. We accept films in digital formats but can also digitise analogue formats such as VHS, 8mm, super 8mm and 16mm. You will retain all the rights relating to your films, hold copyright and the decisions about what is done with the material will remain with you. As a thanks for contributing to the project you will have the choice of having digital copies (burned to DVD) free of charge upon the digitisation of your content. If you think you have anything that would be of interest, please get in touch by filling out the form below.